

December 10th - Natural Hay - Time 16.94 Seconds
December 17th - Sweet Cob - Time 14.89 Seconds
December 31st - Salted Whole Oat - Time 15.99 Seconds
January 7th - High Protein Alfalfa Pellets - 16.26 Seconds


 As I hypothesized earlier, sweet cob grain two hours before my race DID help improve our run time versus the other three feeds I chose to experiment with. I averaged my four races prior to this experiment, while feeding a mixture of sweet cob grain and electrolytes on top of natural hay, and my time averaged 15.16 seconds. My time just feeding sweet cob grain improved by .27 seconds which means a lot when it comes to qualifying for state or even nationals. In conclusion, my hypothesis was correct and feeding two pounds of sweet cob grain two hours before a race is the best choice for a faster time. 
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